Wine List

la carta dei vini

Finding the perfect wine is fundamental.

Let us guide you through our rich list of fine wine and artisanal beers, created to offer the perfect gastronomic experience. The ideal pizza is the one paired with the perfect drink, and we will help you find it by matching the flavors of the ingredients to the beverage.

The pairing of pizza and beer is a long standing tradition in Italian fast food. Both our chef and our sommelier will guide you in a flavorful experience you will enjoy from start to finish.

Wine List

Solfare 2022
Giuseppe Cipolla - Passofonduto
Selezione delle uve di Grillo e Catarratto 90% ed altri vitigni autoctoni a bacca bianca 10% provenienti dalle vigne di Contrada Passofonduto e Torre del Salto d’Angiò, assemblate per offrire un’idea globale di territorio. L’uva viene diraspata e fatta fermentare in piccoli vasi vinari con macerazione sulle bucce di un giorno.

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